The Heightened Mind by Ajaan Lee

The Heightened Mind The Heightened Mind: The Buddha’s path consists of three trainings: training in heightened virtue; in heightened mind, or concentration; and in heightened discernment. Although all three are essential for Awakening, the Buddha often singled out the second training for special attention. Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo does the same in the talks translated here.

In previous collections of Ajaan Lee’s talks, the main focus has been on technique. Here the focus is more on attitudes to bring to the practice of concentration. In some cases, Ajaan Lee shows the importance of concentration by exploring its role in the path of practice as a whole. Download The Heightened Mind here (92 pages/1 MB):

The Heightened MindPDF download

–  You can buy Ajaan Lees Dhammadharo´s books in print here: Link

Ajahn Lee Dhammadharo: How to Look at Birth, Ageing and Death


Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo: An Introduction to a Buddhist Monk

Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo was a prominent Buddhist monk who made significant contributions to the practice and understanding of Buddhism. His teachings and meditation techniques have garnered attention and admiration from practitioners around the world. Let’s explore his life and legacy.

Early Life and Monastic Journey

Born in Thailand, Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo entered the monastic life at a young age. He dedicated himself to the study of Buddhism and embarked on a path of spiritual exploration. This deep commitment to his practice laid the foundation for his later accomplishments.

Teachings and Meditation Techniques

Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo developed unique meditation techniques that resonated with many seekers of spiritual growth. His teachings emphasized the importance of mindfulness and the cultivation of wisdom. Through his guidance, individuals were able to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Impact and Influence

The teachings of Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo continue to have a profound impact on countless individuals. His emphasis on practical application and direct experience made Buddhism accessible to people from various backgrounds. Ajaan Lee’s clarity and simplicity in teaching helped many navigate the complexities of life with greater ease.

Legacy and Recognition

Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo’s contributions to Buddhism have not gone unnoticed. His teachings have been compiled into various books and publications, ensuring that his wisdom is preserved for future generations. Many meditation centers and monasteries around the world now incorporate his techniques, keeping his legacy alive.

In Conclusion

Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo, a revered Buddhist monk, left an indelible mark on the practice and understanding of Buddhism. His teachings and meditation techniques continue to inspire and guide individuals on their spiritual journeys. With his emphasis on practicality and direct experience, Ajaan Lee’s influence remains relevant and cherished in the world of Buddhism today.

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