The Creation of God

The Creation of God PDF Book
The Creation of God

The Creation of God by Dr. Jacob Hartmann was published in 1893 and is a major atheist work of the time. Being a doctor, Jacob Hartmann outlines the science of biology and life on planet earth. Concluding that nothing here really needs the presence of a God or any divine powers as presented in the Bible. Furthermore, he studies the scriptures from a political viewpoint and makes the case that the creation of the biblical God was merely a national and political necessity of the time. From the book:

Has not the time arrived for a grand and human reformation? For new methods of teaching, for new and more accurate ideas, for a more precise knowledge of the natural, for instructions in absolute facts, for a more thorough understanding of natural laws, for a broader comprehension of man himself and his surroundings, for an abandonment of all the supernatural subterfuge, ignorance, and superstition, of religious fables, miracles, false theories, and misleading doctrines as to God, with their immense sacrifice of human life.

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